Sunday, 20 March 2011

Ring o' Fire

A brilliant game. But very dangerous.

If you're not sure what it is, check it out -

It's awesome fun, but the king's cup, which is effectively a dirty pint, is often horrific.

I got it, and puke seemed imminent, but I recovered, slowly.

Yeah, nights in with friends and booze rock.

Peace Out - MTB

Thursday, 17 March 2011

One of those days.

Today, was one of those days.

Everything was boring and college was rubbish, there was far too much Maths.

Tomorrow how ever, should be good. I've two good friends joining me in an evening of excessive food and alchol comsumption, which I could do with right now.

There's always a brightside I guess.

Peace Out - MTB

Friday, 11 March 2011


I recieved my results for two exams I took in January of this year today.

They were Medieval History, and Maths.

Medieval History: A. Over the moon. Going mental.

Maths: Failed. I messed up big time. Gonna have to retake that.

MTB - Peace Out.