Saturday, 26 June 2010

Me? A Hero?

Right... where to start? Me, I guess.

I'm not amazing poetic, or clever, or sporting. I'm not a very extra-ordinary person. I like playing rugby, but am not that great at many other sports. I love music, and listen to a lot of it, but am not very musically talented myself. I'm academically bright, and was in top sets for all my subjects at secondary school, but I wasn't top of the class for anything.

I'm not the kind of person who has lots of friends whom I 'love' and couldn't live without. I've no problem with people who do have these kind of friendships, but it just doesn't suit me. I have a few, very close friends whom I've known for a long time, but I don't tend to talk to and spend time with the same group of people all the time. In short, I'm a bit of a misfit.

In primary school, I didn't have any best friends. I went to a very small school, of only around seventy pupils, and with a grand total of just seven people in my year in year 5 and 6, I wasn't spoilt for choice. Rather than play football as the other three boys in my year did in my free time, I'd sit, alone, and read. I've lost contact with all three girls from that school year, and only talk to one of the boys, one whom I've known since I was four and as such can relate to enough to have a friendship, but you'd never guess we've known one another that long.

I've just finished all my GCSE exams, and am very glad of it. One period of my life has come to an end, and another is beginning. The last five years of my education had been leading up to those exams, and now they're over, I feel a little lost and purposeless. I look back on my years at secondary school with fondness, I change a lot in that time and found a sense of self and identity which I've since been able to spot being searched for by those younger than myself.

Strangely, I've always been apt at making friends with people older than myself, and coincidentally many of my few close friends and my longterm girlfriend are counted in this group. I don't quite understand this trait in myself, but relish it, and am glad I can fit in with my elders.

I'm starting to ramble, so I'll end this post shortly, but I think it gives a good impression of me, and who I am.

Today, someone very close to me called me a hero. This may not seem like much, but it's never happened to me before, and it made me, in the words of my girlfriend, 'grin like a twat'.

Peace Out - MTB

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