Saturday, 17 July 2010


This weekend is going to be one of the best of my life.

Last night, I went to ROCKETfest at The Crypt, and it was awesome. Various bands played, but the highlight for me was Acres of Life, whom I kinda know, and they kicked ass on stage, especially in comparision with some of the other performances.

I've been in a meaningful relationship for ten months, as of yesterday, and it's amazing. To be honest, I'm seriously failing to see the appeal of being a batchelor. I love being this intimate and confortable with someone, and everything I do in her company is better than if I did it without.

I'm off to a party tonight.. and again tomorrow. I guess this is me reward for my week of work I mentioned in my last post.

Peace Out - MTB

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Scary stuff...

Tomorrow, for the first time in my life, I'm going to work.

Not tagging along with my Dad, or going to work experiance or anything.. Actually going to work.
Truthfully? I'm scared. I've never met the guy I'll be working for, I'd never even talked to him until today, and that was over the phone.

My life, as things go, is awesome right now. But everything seems to be making me do this one thing. It's the summer, and I've got things I wanna do, and things to buy, and... Yeah. I'm gonna do this.. but I just wish I wasn't being forced into it.

To one person in particular.. thank you. You know exactly who you are.

Peace Out - MTB